
Wednesday, October 10, 2012


This post doesn't have any mani's attached to it BUT I just needed to share my excitement. I was driving around today going baby shopping with my son for the new baby, and in the very back corner of a shopping center there was a store that said "Beauty Supply" So we went in, and I could not believe my freaking eyes. THOUSANDS of China Glaze and OPI for EXTREMELY discounted prices, some of the polishes dating back to 2002 collections, and even newer collections. I picked up a few for myself, so if anyone is looking for anything specific by either China Glaze or OPI please shoot me an email under my contact tab and I'de be glad to go look and see if they have it. Dusty hunting is now on my list for every pay day. Most of the bottles DID have dust on them.

Excuse my extreme excitement but I thought I'de share it with all of my wonderful blogger friends<3


Also, if your looking for any Catrice or Essence polishes exclusive to EU, head over to my friend gin She has stunned me with so many of my lemmings from Catrice and Essence that are on their way to me right now, and she is such a sweetheart<3

Happy Hunting!


  1. I am endlessly jelous! USA realy is the land of opprutunity ;)
    and thx 4 the advertisment :)


  2. Oh my! Did you hyperventilate? I would've for sure!! Can't wait to hear about your discoveries!

  3. Lucky duck! I haven't found anywhere I can do dusty hunting around here. =(
