
Sunday, October 7, 2012

We Stamp on Sundays-Metallic

Happy Sunday! I hope everyone had a great and restful weekend! I know mine wen't pretty easy! I've had a couple of questions as to when I'm due, I guess a good blogger would have shared this info earlier;) My little boy Carter James is due on November 26th via c-section. I had a c-section with my first son (His name is Isaac Levi and he will be 3 in January) so we opted to do another c-section. My life couldn't be any better without my kids in it, it can defanitley get hard but I work through it. Enough babble, ONTO THE POLISH!

Today is Sunday, and what else could Sunday consist of? That's right! Stamping! I love stamping and I think it is so easy to acheive simple nail art for someone like me who isn't great at nail art. I'm in a group on facebook called Adventures in Stamping and it is WONDERFUL. I need to find myself a dinosaur plate (IM OBSESSED with Dinosaurs. Even on facebook my name is "Sammi Trex" hahahaha.
Yesterday when I was out shopping for some swap polishes for my great friend Gin in Europe, I found the whole new Sally Hansen Lustre Shine Collection, so I thought it would be perfect to use one in todays post!

Anutka over at Wacky Lacki had done a beautiful mermaid manicure which I wanted to try, hers is 1000x better than mine but I still love the way mine came out.
I used 2 coats of Sally Hansen- Scarab, I stamped with my xl cheeky plate b and Pure Ice- Silver mercedes, The glitter tips are from NOPI- Kendsll on the Katwalk

I hope you enjoyed today's post, When I hit 200 followers I have the most EPIC prize awaiting for you! Make sure to share my page and keep it going! Thank you to everyone who has stuck around, especially to the wonderful ladies who leave me insanely sweet comments everyday (you know who you are;) it really gives me a boost to my day!

Until Next Time


  1. This is SUPER gorgeous Sammi :) Congratz on another boy (have 2 boys) !! That's just awesome !!

  2. Thanks Vicky!! I'll have my handsfull thats for sure!

  3. GORGEOUS stamping! I especially love the glitter tips =)

  4. Absolutely love it! From the stamping to the glitter! :)

  5. ahhhh! So exciting about your little boy- congrats! Waiting these last couple months is the hardest part, isn't it? Anyway, super cute nail art! :)

    1. Yes it is! He as already tried to come twice on me so we will see if he wants to wait! <333 thank you!!
