
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Twenty Seven Polish (27) Pinkie Promise

*Nothing to Discolse*

Hello and Happy Sunday Friends! This weekend was well spent, lots of time with family, got swatching done, and finished one of my knitting projects. Swatching and knitting have been my two outlets for anxiety and give me so much relief. It's nice to have something to turn to when I'm feeling worked up and down in the dumps. But enough of that, today I'm bringing you a swatch of Twenty Seven Polish, Pinkie Promise.

I first discovered Twenty Seven Polish from who better than my friend Kimber at Kimber's Lacquer Korner. Kimber's blog is so inspirational and a lot of times my wallet has hated me because of her gorgeous swatches. I've been lucky enough to become friends with her, she is just as sweet as can be. This polish is gorgeous, so let's get right into it!

Pinkie Promise is a soft baby pink polish with a bit of a frost to it. What I love about this is in different areas of the light it had a different shift of pink. Something you usually find with frost polishes is they have a lot of streaking, this was very minimal and Seche Vite seemed to even it out.

For this swatch I used 3 sheer coats to get full coverage. The formula was incredible, no glooping, completely smooth. Another thing I really love is the brush. It was stiff but still flexible enough for me to get a good line with minimal clean up. Of course, topped with Seche Vite.

I'm always a huge sucker for anything pink, so this polish was right up my alley. With Valentines Day around the corner this is a perfect polish to have in your stash. You can find Twenty Seven Polish on etsy or on Facebook.

What do you think of Pinkie Promise? What are your favorite shades of polish?

Don't forget my giveaway is ending in a few days and you can enter here to have a chance to win an entire Color Club Halo Hues collection.

Tomorrow I'll be back with a post with something I layered over Pinkie Promise so make sure to hit the follow button to stay tuned for that!

Until Next Time!

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